The Haitian film “Freda” by Gessica Geneus wins the Grand Prix of the Santo Domingo Global Film Festival
The film “Freda”, directed by the Haitian Gessica Généus, won the grand prize this Sunday at the 14th edition of the Santo Domingo Global Film Festival, the prize in the Opera Prima de Fiction category.
“Freda”, which also received a mention at the Cannes Film Festival, is shot in Creole and deals with Haitian youth who oscillate between uncertainty and the desire to move forward in the midst of a deep political and socio-economic crisis. .
The Mexican “Sin señas particulares”, the first film by director Fernanda Valadez, was awarded in the same category with a special mention.
The prize for best documentary went to “Map of Latin American Dreams”, by Argentinian Martin Weber, and the best short film was “The Name of the Son”, by Argentinian Martina Matzkin.