“Unexpected love”, a new feature film for Lux Créatives Studios
“Unexpected love” is the title of a brand new film whose official trailer was unveiled on February 14, 2023. Produced by Lux Media and Marketing Group in partnership with Sons and Daughters of Haiti, this feature film is inspired by a story real. It highlights the journeys faced by two young academics in love with different nationalities and cultures. The film will be available in cinemas next May, announces Abdias Laguerre.
“That’s what you might call an adaptation. This film was based on a story experienced by a married couple of Haitian and Nigerian nationality. The couple wanted to share with the general public their experience, their struggle to overcome obstacles through a film and contacted me for the realization of the project”, explains Abdias Laguerre, number 1 of Lux Media and Marketing Group and director from the movie “Unexpected Love”.